TheMakingOfCMD is an experiment in making a movie of fans, by fans and for the fans.
Join in. Play nice.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Free Fall

I apologize for the lack of blog posts. I pinky promise that we haven't forgotten about any/everyone. You are all very much on the forefront of our minds.
When we started this project and invited the audience to join us on the ENTIRE, REAL process of making a movie, we jumped without a net. We are pretty confident that we were going to land on our feet...filmmakers are a lot like cats, I guess. Right now, we are in free fall - and though it doesn't surprise any of us just how long and far that fall is, I wanted to give you all a quick update, while we are still wafting about in the atmosphere.
 * Sponsors are coming on board left and right - and we will be announcing which ones as soon as we have some official contracts and whatnot.  They are waiting on shoot dates from us.
 * Our theatre search is THIS CLOSE to yielding a positive result.  Hooray for Zaki!
 * We have one more DP to introduce you to, then we will be making that choice.
 * As soon as we lock in new dates, we will be checking with actors on their availability - so announcements will be soon on that topic. I know!  I can hardly wait, myself!
So, what's stopping us from catapuling straight into production??
Two things:
 - Cash.  We have a few possible partnerships in the works, but Hollywood doesn't move nearly as fast as Hollywood says that it does in Hollywood movies. 
 - Me. I am currently the biggest wrench in the CMD works. As stated above, Hollywood doesn't move fast - until it does. A (sort of secret) project I've been pitching around and slaving away at is barreling forward like a freight train that I am just barely keeping pace with it. As it is clipping at my heels, I haven't had much time to put into CMD and that will just get worse.  The good thing about that is that I simply CANNOT WAIT to share this next project with you all... and I will... Oh, boy, will I.
So - where does that leave CMD? It leaves it shooting in November/December. Worse tragedies have befallen indie films than having to push a few months (It is actually quite normal) ...but most of them don't do so with an audience actually watching them.
Which is to say: We are so sorry.  AND: You're welcome.
This is a unique view of film making, which means that the journey is frustrating.  For all of us.
Thank you for jumping with us, trusting us with your time and energy.  But, mostly, for believing in us. In truth, THAT is the net.  We are not motivated by all the people who said we couldn't do it - we are motivated to deliver for those who believe that we can.  And we will.
In November.

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